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Clatronic KG 3571 gril kontaktní keramický

Clatronic - KG 3571 - Kontaktní gril, otevření grilu o 180 stupňů, odvádění přebytečného tuku, 2 kontrolky, odkapávací miska na olej, hluboké drážky pro velký grilovací efekt, prostor pro uložení kabelu
Dostupnost Skladem
Běžná cena 2 790 Kč
Ušetříte 1 200 Kč (–43 %)
1 590 Kč
1 314,05 Kč bez DPH
Kód produktu 263657
Značka Clatronic
Kategorie Kontaktní grily
Záruka 2 roky

Kontaktní gril KG 3571 je vhodný pro oboustranné grilování ryb, steaků, zeleniny, panini a ryb bez tuku. Jeho výkon dosahuje až 2 000 W. Možnost otevření grilu o 180 ° umožňuje grilování na extra velké ploše. Pro odvádění přebytečného tuku do odkapávacího zásobníku je gril vybaven speciálními drážkami, což usnadňuje čištění a grilování je tak zdravější. Teplota grilování se nastavuje pomocí plynule nastavitelného termostatu. Grilovací plochy jsou keramické, odolné proti poškrábání a s hlubokými drážky pro velký grilovací efekt. Plášť grilu je vyroben z nerezové oceli. Rukojeť je tepelně izolovaná a zůstává tak i během provozu chladná. O provozu informují 2 kontrolky, kdy jedna z nich o napájení, druhá pak o dosažení nastavené teploty. Grilovací plocha má rozměr 30 x 24 cm. Ve spodní části grilu je prostor pro uložení napájecího kabelu. Napájení je 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz.

Hmotnost 3.03 kg
Barva Nerez, Černá
Výkon 2000.00
Funkce 2 kontrolky, odvádění přebytečného tuku, otevření grilu o 180 stupňů
Vybavení prostor pro uložení kabelu, odkapávací miska na olej, hluboké drážky pro velký grilovací efekt
Barva Nerez, černá
Rozměry 37.00 x 15.00 x 36.00 cm
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S Avatar autora Data Entry Task 1.7.2024 04:41
My name is Sam. I provide data entry services for just $1,000 USD per month (160 hours). If you prefer an hourly basis, the cost is $8 USD per hour. I can handle any computer-related task that is repetitive in nature, such as entering data into software, collecting data, bookkeeping, copy-paste work, uploading content to websites, and following your business processes. I can also transcribe handwritten or scanned documents, update and maintain customer databases, cleanse and validate data, enter survey results and feedback, manage and update inventories, process invoices and receipts, create and update spreadsheets, input product details into e-commerce platforms, digitize paper records, manage email lists and contact information, perform data mining and extraction from websites, compile and organize data from various sources. You can outsource your entire business process to me, where tasks can be done remotely using a computer. I can learn your process and work on any software accordingly. Reach out to me at Hireonline556600@outlook.com if you have any requirements and we can take a quick call.
AW Avatar autora Explainer Video Creation 26.6.2024 17:31
Are you looking to create videos to boost your brand’s visibility and engagement, increase revenue, capture your audience's attention, and showcase complex ideas in a simplified way? I can help you achieve this by creating both live-action and animated explainer videos. My services include comprehensive pre-production planning, script writing, graphic design, storyboarding, video editing, animation, sound effects, background music, voiceovers, and footage compilation. If you're interested in communicating your business model, products, or services to your audience with a compelling explainer video. Please reach out to me at ViralBusinessCampaign@outlook.com and share your goals.
LA Avatar autora Elevate Your Digital Appearance with Effective Strategies! 22.6.2024 15:07
Hi to the clatronic-cr.cz Webmaster. Cool website! My name’s Lonnie, and I just found your site - clatronic-cr.cz - when browsing the net. You popped up at the top of the search results, so I looked you out. Seems like what you’re doing is amazing. But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me lands across clatronic-cr.cz, what normally happens? Is your site generating leads for your business? I’m thinking a few, but I also bet you’d love more… research indicate that 7 out 10 who land on a site wind up leaving without a trace. That's unfortunate. Here’s a idea – what if there was an effortless way for every visitor to raise their hand to get a phone call from you RIGHT AWAY… the moment they hit your site and said, “call me now.” Guess what, you can – Web Visitors Into Leads is a tool widget that’s works on your site, prepared to grab every visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It allows you be informed RIGHT AWAY – so that you can speak to that lead while they’re literally checking out your site. CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to experience a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to realize exactly how it operates. Timing is essential when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between connecting with someone within 5 minutes compared to 30 minutes later can be massive – like 100 times more effective! That’s why we built out our new SMS Text With Lead capability… as once you’ve grabbed the visitor’s phone number, you can automatically start a text message (SMS) chat. Imagine about the opportunities – even if you don’t close a deal then and there, you can keep in touch with text messages for new promotions, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to create a relationship. Would not that be awesome? CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to find out what Web Visitors Into Leads can offer for your business. You might be converting up to 100X more leads today! Lonnie PS: Web Visitors Into Leads provides a FREE 14 days trial – and it even comes with International Long Distance Calling. You have customers eager to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting. CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to experience Web Visitors Into Leads today. If you'd prefer to unsubscribe click here https://advanceleadgeneration.com/unsubscribe.aspx?d=clatronic-cr.cz Only a short note - the name and email used here, Lonnie and Aronson, are placeholders and not real contact details. We cherish transparency and aim to make sure you’re alerted! If you want to get in touch with the real person behind this message, please visit our website, and we’ll associate you with the correct individual.
K Avatar autora Content Writing Services 18.6.2024 19:51
Are you looking for a content writer or copywriter who can write according to your ideas, follow your specific tone and style, and keep your audience in mind? I specialize in crafting content that is easy to read and consistent from start to finish. I currently work with many clients, interacting with their teams via video calls to ensure everything runs smoothly. Sometimes, clients ask me to conduct keyword research and plan content topics and points to cover. I also ensure all content is SEO-friendly. My experience includes writing blogs, articles, website copy, e-commerce product descriptions, e-books, and SEO content. I am happy to work within your budget. Feel free to reach out to me at outsourcedigitalmarketing@outlook.com
CD Avatar autora BUSINESS LOANS/ PROJECT FINANCING 12.6.2024 10:48
Hello Sir I hope this message finds you well. Allow me to introduce our firm, a distinguished financial hub based in the Kingdom of Bahrain. We specialize in providing non-collateral loans tailored for business expansion, particularly for portfolios demonstrating a strong return on investment. In addition to our lending services, we proudly serve as representatives for esteemed angel investors. These individuals are affluent and reputable private investors actively seeking compelling and promising investment opportunities to allocate their capital. At our firm, we extend loans and investment financing based on the feasibility and potential of your proposed projects. We prioritize efficiency, foregoing the arduous process of credit rating assessments typically associated with accessing funding. Our procedures are streamlined, ensuring swift facilitation, and we offer a competitive interest rate of 3%, setting a benchmark within the industry. Thank you for considering our services. We look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you and supporting your financial endeavors Contact us on +447435883455 (Whatsapp) Best Regards Khalid Hassan Credit Desk
S Avatar autora Social Media Marketing 11.6.2024 18:34
I'm Shanky, a Social Media Marketing Manager with over 10 years of global experience. I specialize in creating tailored social media content calendars, designing branded content, conducting hashtag research, and scheduling posts. I work across Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest to help boost your online presence and engagement. Let's connect at Youronlinepresence2@outlook.com to discuss it further.
KP Avatar autora clatronic-cr.cz on the Google & iOS Store 7.6.2024 10:10
A local store or a multinational chain, we build mobile Apps at crazy prices. We convert your website into an App. Android ($50) iOS ($50) Get your free consultation here: https://forms.gle/hbayvMrG3N7u2Rbu9
C Avatar autora Your website clatronic-cr.cz is listed in a mere 12 of 2,502,2510,2539,2561 directories 5.6.2024 10:09
Hi This will severely impact your page rank, the more directories your company is listed in, locally or globally, the greater your back links you have and the better you rank in Google - Bing - Yahoo. Never has it been simpler to promote your domain Just a few inputs and our program willl do the rest. No more worries about manual llink building - CAPTHCAs or email verification. We have automed all that we could have to make submitting your online property a breeze. See your site on the first page. We will list your website to thousands of directories and give you a full report on the status of each registry. Although we have created an automated system to a large extent, some of the listings may require manual action which could cause a slight delay. Making your life better CompanyRegistar.com
H Avatar autora Google sheets and microsoft excel work 2.6.2024 21:41
Do you need any help with tasks related to Google sheets and Microsoft Excel? I can work on Creating Dashboards in excel sheets, Business Automation, Creating reports, graphs, fetching data from multiple sources, Data Spreadsheet formulations, Data Setup, Data Sorting, Vlookup, hlookup, pivot tables, manual entry of data in spreadsheet. Please share your requirements with me on fastprocess006@outlook.com and I can share cost with you accordingly.
A Avatar autora Personal Assistant 29.5.2024 18:49
Are you looking for a personal assistant who can handle your daily business operations and make your life easier? I can help with tasks related to admin, marketing, answering emails, website management, social media, content creation, planning new projects, bookkeeping, learning software, and back-office assistance. If you are interested, send me an email at efficientmanage007@outlook.com with a list of tasks you want to accomplish, and I will take it from there.
LS Avatar autora Local SEO 28.5.2024 22:42
Boost your local presence and stand out with our expert Local SEO and Google My Business services! Elevate your visibility, attract more customers, and dominate your local market. Reach out to me today at Brandbuildingassistance@outlook.com and let's start optimizing your online presence for success!
D Avatar autora Video Editing 22.5.2024 17:24
I'm Deepu. a remote Video Producer and Video Editor. My expertise is to create new promotional videos and reels, Making edits in existing videos, Making small clips out of longer videos, Creating video scripts and voiceovers. If you need any videos for your social media channels/websites/corporate events/product promotion/service promotion, then, you are at the right place. Softwares used by me are Premiere Pro, After Effects and DaVinchi Resolve. Feel free to reach out to me at Businessprocessoutsourcing1@outlook.com.
A Avatar autora Social Media Management 19.5.2024 14:48
I'm Aryan, a seasoned Social Media Marketing Manager with 10+ years of global experience. My services include crafting tailored social media strategies, creating branded content graphics, conducting hashtag research, and scheduling posts. I specialize in Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest. Let’s connect at creativeteamhire@outlook.com.
Avatar autora Google Places scraping 18.5.2024 15:26
Hi Clatronic Cr Administrator I am selling Google Maps Leads which contains records Website Phone Address Name and many other fields. Please email me at jay75sandra@gmail.com if interested! Best regards, Sandra
V Avatar autora Website designing and development 14.5.2024 21:19
Hi, This is Vai, a full stack website developer with more than a decade of experience. If you need any assistance in creating a new page, new design, developing new functionality, 3D Model Integration, changing any existing functionality, monthly maintenance, any theme related work, improving current design or uploading content. Let's chat on webdesignservices111@outlook.com
A Avatar autora Personal Virtual Assistant 13.5.2024 20:16
Hi, I'm Abhi Rana. I am a Personal Virtual Assistant who can follow your instructions and support you in your day-to-day operations, including Data Entry, Data Processing, Data Cleansing, Data Conversion to different formats, Data Extraction, Data Verification, Financial Accounting, Account Payable, Receivables, Reconciliations, Invoice Factoring, Financial Statements, Creating Invoices, E-Commerce Management, Order Processing, Product Add/Delete/Modify, Cart and Shop Management, Custom Process Follow, Understanding your SOP, Software Data Entry, Medical Bill Entry, and Form filling I will work as per your suggested timings. My rate is USD 10/hr for these back-office tasks. If you hire full-time, I can be flexible with the pricing. Send me an email on Outsourcingprojects112@outlook.com to collaborate.
A Avatar autora Content Writing Services 13.5.2024 06:40
Hi, I'm Alan, a copywriter and content writer. My expertise lies in creating engaging blogs, articles, e-commerce product descriptions, SEO content, website content, Keyword Research, business service descriptions, newsletter content, brochures, proofreading, social media captions, LinkedIn content, and SOPs. My rate is USD 30 per 1000 words, and there's no upfront payment required. Just shoot me an email at Hireonline4455@outlook.com with your needs.
P Avatar autora Back Office Support 7.5.2024 13:05
Hi, Are you looking for someone who can follow your complex business SOPs and work on them accordingly? I specialize in Back-office work and I can help you in the following ways: 1. Data Management Services: Data Entry, Data Processing, Data Cleansing, Data Conversion to different formats, Data Extraction, Data Verification and extraction 2. Financial Accounting Services: Account Payable, Receivables, Reconciliations, Invoice Factoring, Financial Statements, Creating Invoices. 3. E-Commerce Management: Order Processing, Product Add/Delete/Modify, Cart and Shop Management. 4. Custom Process Follow: Understanding your SOP, Software Data Entry, Medical Bill Entry, Form filling My Cost is USD 10/hr for these back-office tasks. Ping me on projectsexpert222@outlook.com if you have any requirements right now. Regards, Paul
D Avatar autora SEO copywriting and content strategy 3.5.2024 08:44
Greetings, I'm Dan, an experienced SEO copywriting and content strategy specialist. My expertise lies in enhancing your brand's performance and cultivating trust among your audience. By analyzing your website clatronic-cr.cz, I can pinpoint areas for improvement and devise strategies to elevate your content's impact. What sets me apart is my dedication to understanding your business on a deeper level. This ensures that every piece of content I create resonates authentically with your audience. If you're seeking for someone who goes beyond writing to deliver tailored solutions that drive results, feel free to connect with me via email at Venture4help@outlook.com to discuss how we can collaborate to meet your ongoing content needs.
T Avatar autora Content Writing Service Provider 19.4.2024 19:28
Greetings, I'm Tony, a skilled English SEO copywriter and content writer. My expertise lies in creating engaging blogs, articles, e-commerce product descriptions, SEO content, website content, business service descriptions, newsletter content, brochures, proofreading, social media captions, LinkedIn content, and SOPs. My pricing is USD 40 per 1000 words of content. If you're short on time to strategize your content, we can assist you with that. Feel free to reach out via email at Contentwriting011994@outlook.com for any ongoing needs. Best regards, Tony
MW Avatar autora clatronic-cr.cz on the internet 17.4.2024 00:42
Hello, We noticed your domain: clatronic-cr.cz is listed in very few directories. Directories have a very high Page Rank Score and provide really good back links Company visit us on Company Registar and list your domain in all the directories. https://clatronic-cr.companyregistar.org/clatronic-cr.cz
JD Avatar autora Hi clatronic-cr.cz Owner. 26.1.2024 11:35
Hello, Revolutionize your online marketing with The Click Engine! Experience the power of automated, buyer-focused traffic to boost your links. Our unique platform, created by marketing expert Jeff Ayman, simplifies your path to online success. Join now to tap into a consistent stream of real buyers, without the hefty costs of traditional advertising. With The Click Engine, every click is a potential sale. Plus, enjoy an unbeatable introductory price! Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your online presence. Click here to join The Click Engine and start your journey to online prosperity today! >>> https://bit.ly/3Ohx5GM to learn more ...
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OR Avatar autora | 22.8.2023
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OR Avatar autora | 28.3.2023
Jsme naprosto spokojeni s tímto produktem i se službami. Jsme rádi, že nabízíte i zdravotně nezávadné keramické povrchy pro rychlou a zdravou přípravu potravin.


Clatronic International GmbH byla založena v roce 1982 jako rodinný podnik a úspěšně prodává následující skupiny zboží v Německu i v zahraničí:

     – domácí malé kuchyňské spotřebiče

     – velké domácí spotřebiče

     – spotřební elektroniku


Clatronic Gruppe se skládá z následujících firem:

     – Clatronic International GmbH

     – C. Bomann GmbH

     – ETV , Elektro-technische Vertriebsgesellschaft


Je mezinárodní společností, která svou šíří a kvalitou sortimentu zaujímá významné postavení na německém i zahraničním trhu.

Prodává přes 1.000 různých produktů pod šesti značkami – Clatronic, Bomann, AEG, CTC, ProfiCook, ProfiCare.